Summary description
The Conama Foundation, in collaboration with the IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, launched the first Nature-Based Solutions Observatory in Spain, adressing issues related to urban or territorial management, such as climate change adaptation, water, food security, or air quality. The platform serves to gather ongoing initiatives and successful cases that can serve as references. The observatory will also identify key specialists in the field to create a network of experts, encouraging the implementation of NbS in more cities and territories. The aim is also to expand the knowledge on NbS by compiling research and publications, as well as initiatives from specialists.

[Spanish] El Observatorio de las Soluciones basadas en la Naturaleza nace como un espacio de intercambio de conocimiento entre profesionales y entidades que apuestan por la naturaleza para dar solución a los retos ambientales, sociales y económicos de nuestras ciudades; reuniendo los principales proyectos, documentos y herramientas relevantes en la materia. [Retrieved from their website]