Summary description
Video communicating the importance of rivers, their biodiversity and ecosystem services, as well as threats (mainly regulation), the need for sustainable management and the importance of stakeholders on the process.
Additonal information
The videos were made under the funds of the Project RIVEAL, a national project with EU and national funding; it includes imagens taken during a Stakeholders workshop "The future of River Lima and its margins". Project RIVEAL – RIver and riparian forest Values and Ecosystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes (PTDC/CTA-AMB/29790/2017; 2018–2022) explored three key-Ecosystem Services (ES)* of rivers riparian forests and predict the gains/losses of ES under diverse land use and water management scenarios in regulated rivers. *Riparian and aquatic integrity (intermediate ES)/Carbon Stocks/Cultural Services
Quality assurance
not applicable
free; youtube