Summary description
Factsheets (bilingual/English and Portguese) on river regulation, riparian forests, macroinvetebrates, macrophytes, macroalgae, etc and summary of the scientific results of the project RIVEAL (RIver and riparian forest Values and Ecosystem services in uncertain freshwater futures and Altered Landscapes)
Additonal information
Citation: Aguiar, F.C., Rivaes, R., Fernandes, M.R., Correia, A., Martins, M.J., Schmidt, L., Delicado, A., Couto, J.S., Feio, M.J., Calapez, A.R., Almeida, S., Mortágua, A., Segurado, P., Vieira, C., Gebler, D. (2022). Compendium Factsheets and Science Brief of the RIVEAL Project.; you can find factsheets also here:
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